Training syllabus in PDF format

€ 12,50
Our coursebook "Work with the Biotensor" Englisch version.
Overview of topics in this coursebook
  • Preface
  • Get to know the Biotensor 
  • Do's and dont's in working with the Biotensor
  • Biotensor Motions and learn how to start making them 
  • How to interpret biotensor movements 
  • Biotensor test methods 
  • Technique 
  • pre - test and selftest 
  • Test protocol 
  • Interference check and how to solve.  
  • Strong / weak test
  • Mental Question test 
  • Relation test 
  • Identification test 
  • Energy test 
  • Bovis value testen
  • Design your own test methods 
  • Test Examples 
32 pages PDF Format